Introducing the Dual License Model in SharePoint 2013

Just read this great post by Antonio Maio about the New Licensing model SharePoint 2013.So here is the short description for our readers.
SharePoint License model is simple and well known by its Users.As you might know, that users can purchase Standard or Enterprise license CAL (client access license) for SharePoint and these License types Enables or disables certain features depending on the One you purchase.
Enterprise license usually Offers more features than Standard.Traditionally, these additional features offered by Enterprise License are used by a set of people in the Company, not by the entire user base.Still for the earlier versions of SharePoint Companies needed to purchase the Enterprise CAL for all their users to make use of a few additional features by a set of users.In SharePoint 2013 however this has been Changed.Now Admins can Assign a set of Users access to Enterprise CAL features while other users (with Standard CAL) will have Restricted access to the additional Enterprise CAL features.The License Enforcement is gracefully handled by SharePoint when in case a Standard CAL user tries to access a feature that is only available to Enterprise CAL Users.
The license that is assigned to a user is based on their active directory group membership. The way this is done is by mapping an active directory group to a particular license category, and then assigning users that are supposed to have a particular license to that group.

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